My column

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Politics and love

Dear Elyse,
Yesterday, my boyfriend and I were watching the vice presidential debate. I quickly discovered that he is on the opposite side of the political spectrum as I am. He is an ardent Romney supporter because he doesn't want to pay higher taxes and blames Obama for the rising gas prices. I'm not sure what to do. I am a staunch Democrat and could never bring myself to pull the Republican lever because of the Republicans stance on abortion. Do you think I should simply keep my mouth shut and turn the discuss elsewhere when politics come up or do you think I should try to convert him into an Obama voter?
Polarized Love

Dear Polarized Love,
I think the most important thing for your to evaluate is the morals and values that are driving your boyfriend to vote the way he does. If you feel that your boyfriend's political preferences reveal negative aspects of his persona than you may want to reconsider the relationship. If you feel that your boyfriend is a good person who simply believes there are different ways to achieve a better country than you do than you shouldn't act on it. Now, in terms of watching the debate together tomorrow - think about if you want to just avoid confrontation or ... perhaps you can use arguing to fuel passion.

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