My column

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Receiver of friend's rejects

Dear Elyse,
My retched friend has the habit of passing her rejected leftovers to me. And no, I don't mean last night's pizza or baked ziti, I'm referring to guys that she'd like to toss out like an old sock. The guys she doesn't deem worthy of her time. Who does she think she is? What can I do to stop her? She acts like I should be grateful not annoyed about her gestures?
Receiver of Rejects

Dear Receiver of Rejects,
Retched, indeed. Your friend has committed an act so vile, I'm not sure there is a punishment fit for her crime. By passing on her rejects to you, she is insulting you. She is conveying the message that she doesn't see you as her equal.Perhaps she is even afraid that you will out shine her and find a better mate then she does? Oh and then her poor ego will suffer. Who wants a friend like that? You definitely need to make your friend aware of the impact of her actions. I"m sure your friend loves going places to meet guys. From now on, only agree to go places with your friend that don't involve potential boyfriends. Go the most unsexy places that exist. How about bingo night? The fire department pancake breakfast? Yoga classes? Ballet classes? Knitting clubs? Need I say more. Eventually your friend may catch on and feel tortured. When she begs you to go on more testerone-filled excursions, explain to her that you will only go if she doesn't pass on her rejects to you. When she protests, stick to your guns and explain how it makes you feel when she does that. Then give her a chance to go on a sexy outing. If she repeats the same behavior return to the Betty Crocker like outings.

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