My column

Monday, August 27, 2012

Dear Elyse, I'm not sure what to make of this situation. I was first emailing and IMing back and fourth with this amazing guy. It felt like we were so connected and he was the guy I had been waiting for all my life. Unlike other guys, he was quick to declare his love and affection for me. We finally went on a date and he confessed that he was crazy about me. After that we were inseparable. Every night I either stayed at his place or he stayed at my place and we made holiday plans to meet the families. He was so refreshing from the other guys who took years to do what he did. Then a week or so ago, he just stopped called, emailing or IMing me. I've tried to contact him but he doesn't respond. What happened? Yours truly, Shell- Shocked. Dear Shell Shocked, First of all I would like to commend you for being ready to welcome love into your life. It takes a lot of courage to allow this thing called love to work. Also, I'm sorry for your loss, it really sounds like you had high hopes for this guy. Now here is the 411 on guys that I'll call Whimsical Guys. There are guys who constantly are jumping into many new arenas whether it be a project, a relationship, a trip,etc. These guys like to believe that every element of life has potential for being the next best thing. Unfortunately, they constantly change their mind about what is the next best thing. In essence, your guy picked you and really did believe that you were The One but then suddenly something ticked in his mind and he changed his opinion. Here are some clear signs of Whimsical Guys for future reference. (1) They are very quick to declare their love and affection for you but they don't have clear or explicable reasons why they feel so in love with you. Clear and explicable reasons could include a love for your humor, a love for how you are so caring, etc. Instead they make vague statements like I'm crazy about you or you are so hot, you are one of the coolest girls I've ever met without any evidence backing up these statements. (2) They send you many emails a day and are on rapid response mode yet the emails contain mostly content about themselves or vague statements abut you yet the emails don't ever seem to ask probing questions about your life or reveal the guys deepest feelings. (3) The guys are eager to make plans with you yet sometimes they might not follow through with the plans. Hope this helps and that you either work things out with this guy or find another guy that you love. You are fabulous. Elyse

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