My column

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Still single and 30

Dear Elyse,
I'm almost thirty years old and I have only been in one romantic relationship that was during my freshman year of college. That relationship ended badly, the guy was cheating on me the whole time and I gave up my group of friends to spend time with him. He also insisted that I only spend time with him and didn't want to meet my friends. After my college relationship, I met a guy that I thought truly loved me. We had been friends first and I thought that was a good sign. I lost weight for him an also moved to another city because he told me that he loved me but that he wouldn't date anyone who lived outside his city. We ended up sleeping together but never officially being boyfriend and girlfriend. He always insisted that I keep our coital affairs a secret. Then I found out he had a girlfriend, who started stalking me and constantly IMing me. Almost 7 years later, I've yet to even come close to having a boyfriend and at this point I feel hopeless. Is there something wrong with me? Please help. I don't want to be one of those crazy cat ladies who buys vests and charm bracelets for canines instead of lovers.
Hopelessly Devoted

Dear Hopelessly Devoted,
Sorry for all of the grief you have endured from your men. Also, please realize that there is nothing wrong with you just because you've only had one romantic relationship and you are almost 30. People change so much in their twenties and early thirties that most people aren't going to stay with the people they date in those formative years. Now, here are my insights.And please remember that it is just my opinion. Here is the common denominator in both of your predicaments: you. You did everything you could to meet the demands of these men. And a result you neglected to think about yourself. Then, the men disappointed you by not rewarding you for your efforts to please them in the way you thought they would reward you and your needs were not met. You deprived yourself of food and most importantly: friends. In addition, men find it sexy when a girl takes care of herself. Conversely, when a girl allows a guy to own her she demonstrates that she has no self confidence or worth which guys find totally appalling. So next time you meet a guy you like, make sure you make the relationship about you. Think about what you want from the guy and find a way to communicate that to him while also being caring and loving to him.

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