My column

Sunday, September 9, 2012

When am I in a relationship?

Dear Elyse,
I'm a single girl who dates a lot. I'll go to with a guy a few times, maybe even bed the guy. In fact, I might even ( gulp) go shopping with the guy. We'll have deep conversations sometimes. Yet, I never know when I'm in a relationship with the guy. Are there some clues/ signs that we have finally crossed the threshold and are in a relationship?
Yours Truly When oh When.

Dear When oh When,
You see, a guy usually brings out a promise ring and a boyfriend/ girlfriend bracelet for you on a tray and says a poem declaring his desire to be your boyfriend. So .. I guess you haven't had any boyfriends. Just kidding. Gone are the days of formal declarations of being a boyfriend and girlfriend entity. However, there are different clues that you are probably in a relationship. (1) The guy takes you to public places rather than just shagging you at his house and then leaving. He also offers you public affection.(2) The guy introduces you to his friends and his family as his girlfriend. (3) The guy shows that he cares for you by asking about your stuff not just mentioning his stuff and going to batt for you when it really counts. (4) The guy works to resolve difficulties between the two of you rather than just ditch you the moment things go sour. (5) You guys have inside jokes and pet names for each other. These are telltale signs that a guy sees you as a significant other not a just an easy lay. Most guys tell me that if a girl asks him, "Where is this going?" It ruins the thrill of the chase. However, if after a certain amount of time ( 6 months- year) you still are uncertain what a guy thinks of you, you might want to bring it up subtly. Like , "If someone ever asked you if you had a girlfriend what would you say?" Most importantly, if you are sexually involved with someone it is important to protect yourself and ask them if they are monogamous. Good luck in your detective work. And again, this is just my opinion.

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