My column

Friday, April 5, 2013

Long Distance Quandary

Dear Elyse,
My current boyfriend lives 200 miles away from me and we see each other 2 times a month. We have been dating for about 2 months. We met at a convention. Being away from him so often is a constant source of anxiety; I'm scared that he is cheating on me. I'm even contemplating moving .
Long Distance Quandary

Dear Long Distance Quandary,
Here is your plan of attack. Install a hidden camera in your sweetie's palace to detect if he is cheating on you . Additionally, I would recommend that you call every girl listed in his cell phone and threaten them. NOT! Given that you only see each other twice a month and you have only been dating for 2 months, I don't think you have reached the point in time when you should consider exclusivity. You need to get to know each other more. Continue to visit your hottie but also continue to attend to yourself and your own needs:girlfriends, hobbies, and your job. Revisit the question of loyalty in another month or so. Do not move! Why would you ditch every support network you have built up just for a guy? Plus, the fact that you are anxious about whether or not he is loyal to you demonstrates to me that you aren't so sure about him.

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